Fighting and Negotiating with Armed Groups (International Institute for Strategic Studies Adelphi series)
‘We only have two tools in dealing with terrorism – fighting and talking – and Samir Puri’s insightful book analyses the interaction between the two in conflicts from Northern Ireland to Colombia in a way that will help policymakers understand better how to manage both.’
Jonathan Powell, Chief of Staff to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, 1997–2007
‘A great tool for policymakers, in the quest for a peaceful and prosperous world. The cases described show how military strength, patience, flexibility, and political will should be sequenced and balanced to guarantee sustainable progress.’
Diana Quintero, Vice Minister of Defence for Strategy and Planning, Colombia, 2011–15
‘This study highlights the most difficult aspect of intra-state conflict: the dilemma of coercion and peace-talk. Those who seek a peaceful solution to any conflict could learn from its findings.’
Rizal Sukma, Ambassador of Indonesia to the UK
‘With a series of impressive case studies, Samir Puri provides a systematic and sobering analysis of the problems of sustaining a political track with violent non-state actors.’
Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies, King’s College London
For further information see the IISS book synopsis